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The fear of 3 "demons"

🎶He's a miracle working God...He's a miracle working God...He's the Alpha and Omega...He's a miracle working God🎶

The God of Shedrack, Meshak and Abednego is certainly more powerful and more soccer-loving than that of Messi, Suarez and Neymar. Gba be o!

Alagbara know our heart's desire today. Grant it in your inimitable and extravagant style...! 

Let the glory be yours, Eledumare, and the joy be ours l'Oruko Jesu Oluwa wa. Amen! 

And so shall it be, Biko, so shall it be. I won't even watch the match. Thankfully my Tylenol PM is available. 

Nnaa eh! Each time I remember those three "demons", na bathroom straight. Chai! Chai again!!

The fear of 3 "demons" The fear of 3 "demons" Reviewed by Wilberforce on Thursday, March 03, 2016 Rating: 5

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