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No! Pull down those images, please!!!

I'm sorry, but I think it is irresponsible if not cruel and gross to be plastering the images of the "accidented" mangled body of the late Mr. James Ocholi all over the social media. 

There seems to be a competition among some folks to outdo one another in posting those gory photos. Can't we spare a thought for the remaining children, relatives and friends? Those images don't look good. You may post those of the vehicles to show people what happened and probably teach them a lesson or two, but the mangled body? Hell NO!

Yes, we will all die someday, but the circumstances will differ, and we can't keep dishonoring the dead even as we pretend to mourn. How come we seem to have totally lost our sense of proportion and humanness? Why?

Please pull down Mr. Ocholi's photos, at least. It's not fair-at all. And by the way, it could be you! Yeah, it could be you. Much as you may not know or feel it, but there are things you won't want done to you even in death. 

Good morning.
No! Pull down those images, please!!! No! Pull down those images, please!!! Reviewed by Wilberforce on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 Rating: 5


  1. These are the class/grade of men I am keen on reading about, where ever they're mentioned: not the perverters of our psych.
    Thanks Emeka for this refreshing article: at least something good comes out of the Nigerian Police Force(or rot).

  2. These are the class/grade of men I am keen on reading about, where ever they're mentioned: not the perverters of our psych.
    Thanks Emeka for this refreshing article: at least something good comes out of the Nigerian Police Force(or rot).


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